Shelly Appliance Control Kit with Energy Metering
The Shelly 240v Appliance Control kit uses a Shelly Pro 1 UL in conjunction with a Shelly Contactor to control 240v circuits.
Kit Components
Wiring Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions
Mount the two Din Rails in the enclosure using the supplied hardware
Mount the Top Rail Components
Shelly 3EM goes on the left side of the rail
Shelly Contactor goes on the right side of the rail
Use Spacers on each side of the components to hold them in place
Connect a DK10N Terminal to the Right side of each Din Rail Segment
Incoming Ground will connect to the terminal on the bottom rail
The incoming Ground will pass through a strain relief with the other incoming wires
Wire rated for your application will connect the two terminals together
When the screws on the terminals are tightened the terminals will bite into the rails
Mount the following components to the bottom rail, in this order
SS2 Spacer
(2) DK10N Terminals (connected by a two-position jumper)
First one goes out to (N) Terminal of Shelly 3EM
Second one goes out to the (A2) Terminal of the Contactor
Incoming neutral is going to connect to one of these terminals
The incoming Neutral will pass through a strain relief with the other incoming wires
(2) DK10N-RD Terminals (connected by a two-position jumper)
First one goes out to (VB) terminal on Shelly 3EM
Second one goes out to the (R4) Terminal of the Contactor
The Phase B Input will get connected to one of these terminals
The incoming Phase B wire will pass through a strain relief with the other incoming wires
(3) DK10N-BK Terminals (connected by a three-position jumper)
First one goes out to the (R2) Terminal of the Contactor
The second one goes out to the (VA) Terminal of the Shelly 3EM
The third one goes out to the (I) Terminal of the Shelly 3EM
The Phase A Input will get connected to one of these terminals
The incoming Phase B wire will pass through a strain relief with the other incoming wires
SS2 Spacer
DK10N-RD Terminal
The (R3) Terminal will get connect to one side of this terminal and then the other side will be the the Phase B out to the appliance
DK10N-BK Terminal
The (R3) Terminal will get connect to one side of this terminal and then the other side will be the the Phase B out to the appliance
SS2 Spacer
With everything mounted and connected, apply power to the system and proceed to setup in the Shelly App or your appropriate control system.
Tips & Tricks
Use wire appropriate to your application
Ground terminals need to be securely fastened to the rail
All wiring going in and out of the enclosure must pass through a strain relief
When routing wired in the enclosure take in consideration the CT’s which will go around both contactors output wires
Spacers should be used to not only hold devices in place but also to separate components
All screw terminals should be properly tightened, if you feel like you are using too much force, you are, and it will result in damaged components
Washers are included with the hardware to mount the din rails, these must be used
Using stranded wire of the appropriate size is generally preferable to using solid core.Downloadable Guide
Downloadable Guide